Meet December’s featured StageBio pathologist, Dr. Tracey Papenfuss
Dr. Tracey Papenfuss BS, DVM, MS, PhD (Immunology), DACVP, FIATP, Senior Pathologist/Principal Investigator, Immune Service Lead
How long have you worked with StageBio? I have worked with StageBio for approximately 1.5 years.
What are your primary interests within the Pathology space? My primary role at StageBio is to serve as an Experimental and Toxicologic Pathologist on studies that range from early discovery through safety assessment. As an immunologist, one of my primary interests is in immune therapies and evaluating immune system changes that occur during drug development across a wide range of therapies.
What are your most recent work accomplishments? This year, I spearheaded the launch of the Immune Service specialty group with StageBio and lead this group. I am particularly proud to have worked with esteemed colleagues to publish in the Toxicologic Pathology Forum on “Considerations Regarding Determination of Adversity for Immunopathology Findings in Nonclinical Toxicology Studies with Immune-Modulating Therapeutics,” in the journal Toxicologic Pathology (learn more here!). I am also engaged in a number of educational and outreach efforts in multiple scientific organizations, with the goal to educate and inform on immunopathology and how it contributes to our understanding of immunosafety. I enjoy and frequently present on immune-related considerations (e.g. the use and evaluation of humanized mouse models) for nonclinical study applications both within and outside StageBio. Additionally, I am keenly invested in supporting the pathologist community at large and am actively involved in mentoring both new pathologists and junior colleagues in numerous areas of study such as immunology, pathology, and translational/comparative/veterinary medicine.
What do you like about the StageBio culture? The extremely supportive network of fellow pathologists and scientists is beyond compare. I love the collaborative and collegial atmosphere and that superior science is something that is baked into the StageBio daily interactions and company culture.
What do you like to do on the weekends? I enjoy spending time with family (including the furred and feathered ones). I also am a self-purported foodie and like exploring local cuisine and experimental cooking (molecular gastronomy, international cuisine, and various baking endeavors). I also enjoy anything having to do with music, including playing piano, singing, and attending music performances.
Thank you Dr. Papenfuss for being a valuable component of the StageBio culture and team! We look forward to all you will continue to accomplish!
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