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3 Keys to Successful Pathology Endpoints in Inhalation Toxicology Studies

In a recent ACT 2021 Talking Tox webinar titled “Safety of E-Cigarette Products – A Toxicological Challenge,” I provided scientific guidance on pathology endpoints for inhalation studies. During my segment, I discussed the special planning necessary to optimize histopathology results when studying test articles dosed via the inhalation route (nose-only, head, or whole-body exposure).

Our Commitment to Clinical and Preclinical Excellence

At StageBio, we’re committed to offering the most reliable and innovative clinical and preclinical services possible. This means not only ensuring we use the most efficient and trusted lab processes available, but also helping our team members to live their best lives—both professionally and personally.

Nonproliferative and Proliferative Lesions of the Rabbit

The International Harmonization of Nomenclature and Diagnostic Criteria for Lesions Project (INHAND) has published its overview of nonproliferative and proliferative lesions of the rabbit in the Journal of Toxicologic Pathology. StageBio's senior pathologist, Dr Brett Saladino, is a contributing author to this publication.

How to Set up Your High-Throughput Histopathology Study for Success

We recently hit the webinar stage to give an in-depth look at what it takes to maximize the value of your high-throughput histopathology study. Our goal was to not only outline the basic techniques and philosophy behind histopathology, but to also demystify the entire process.

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