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The Pros and Cons of Using Animal Models in Nonclinical Safety Assessments

When performing a nonclinical evaluation of new chemical entities (NCEs) to assess any potential safety risks to humans, conventional healthy animals (CHAs) are used more often than not.

3 Questions to Ask When Choosing a CRO for Analyzing Your Wound Healing Tissue Research

The science behind wound healing seems to grow more complex by the day. Advancements in molecular biology and medical device technology are making innovative wound healing products possible that were otherwise unimaginable even a few short years ago. Of course, the more groundbreaking a potential wound healing product is, the greater the need becomes for a qualified contract research organization (CRO) capable of analyzing tissue samples in a timely, efficient manner.

Lab Vaults at 70 Degrees Every Day: Maintaining Proper Temperatures in Storage

Keeping proper temperatures for your lab materials has perhaps become challenging lately as you face continual budget cuts.

We Won't Tell, But You Can...Why Confidentiality is so Important

As you work on a critical study in your lab, do you have safeguards in place to keep all scientific data private?

Use that Bubble Wrap, Send Your Studies to Us for Safe Storage

Storing study materials adds extensive overhead costs to any facility with blocks, slides, tissue, and more.

Tom Cruise Couldn’t Even Steal Your Material: Technology to Protect Your Files

Those of you who've seen the "Mission Impossible" movie franchise know they often make the impossible seem all too plausible.

Four Reasons to Store Your Research at an Archiving Facility

Running a histology lab is going to involve a lot of research material that could easily become damaged if you're running out of space.

Why to Use an Archiving Facility Instead of Storing Studies Yourself

One major challenge you're likely experiencing in your histology lab is that you're seeing tremendous growth thanks to the support of sponsors on your studies. However, do you really know how you're going to keep up with demands if you stay in your current laboratory?

10 Reasons to Outsource Your Study During the Holidays

Academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and biotechnology firms face many of the same holiday demands that retail stores face.

How to Properly Store Your Preclinical Study Materials

The fast development of molecular biology and other intensive analytical technologies has resulted in a dramatic increase in the need for biological sample storage.

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