Content Library

What Is a Tissue Cross Reactivity Study?

Learn how StageBio uses Tissue Cross Reactivity studies (TCR) and how it helps clinical researchers when identifying off target binding.

3 Ways to Ensure Optimal Transportation for Your Frozen Samples

When it comes to preclinical research and clinical trials, the logistics outside the lab are as crucial as the processes and handling of samples inside the lab. In other words, frozen samples must be handled with care and transported in a timely manner to make sure project milestones are reached.

Paper Outlines Points to Consider When Sampling & Processing Sensory Ganglia in Non-clinical Tox Studies

Products such as cytotoxic chemotherapeutics and AAV-based gene therapies are associated with gangliotoxicity. Despite this, prior toxicology guidance provided no recommendations for which sensory and autonomic ganglia to evaluate in nonclinical general toxicity studies.

GLP & Non-GLP: What's the Difference?

Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) refers to a system where non-clinical health and safety studies are carried out, planned, monitored, recorded, archived and reported.

Upcoming Events



Date: October 22-25
Location: Rome, Italy
Stop by our Booth #D36!


Date: October 27-30
Location: Washington, DC


Date: November 17-20
Location: Austin, TX
Stop by our Booth #416!

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