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Running Successful Neuropathology Studies: Sampling & Preparing Nervous System Tissues for Microscopic Evaluation

When it comes to neuropathology studies, there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Journal Article Offers Insights on Toxicologic Neuropathology of Novel Biotherapeutics

Biotherapeutics like cell and gene therapies, nucleic acids, and proteins show promise for treating many neurodegenerative disorders.

Paper Outlines Points to Consider When Sampling & Processing Sensory Ganglia in Non-clinical Tox Studies

Products such as cytotoxic chemotherapeutics and AAV-based gene therapies are associated with gangliotoxicity. Despite this, prior toxicology guidance provided no recommendations for which sensory and autonomic ganglia to evaluate in nonclinical general toxicity studies.

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Exploratory Pathology in Action: Advancing Nonclinical Drug Development Across Therapeutic Areas

Date: February 13
Time: 10am EST

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